القائمة الرئيسية


Play and Earn Euro from MyProfitLand Game

Play and Earn Euro from MyProfitLand Game

MPL for beginners

1- Register and verify

register now :

Activation : you need to activate your new account by your phone number to be able to start palying

Click on your name

Then, click on the red mark

Write your phone number above

Then, call this number

It's automatically calling number and you won't lose your balance

2- Work

Click "activities" > "work"

Here, you need to write the two numbers which appear

Then, click start working
once you work, you can't work again before 4 hours from the first

You should fucas on one type of work to increase your skills points for more income

You can work twice a day as a maximum

When you work daily continuously, you gain "work bouns" from your country every 3 days

3- The free company

Click "my companies" > "start a new company" > "open company"

You can buy only one of them (solar panel farm or water well drilling)
After that, you can manage your company

Here, you can collect the produced units by the company

You should collect it daily in order to not stop production process

Remark: the company produces the units automatically at a rate of one unit per 3 hours

Here,you can make a sell order to be able to selling the produced units which you collected

The arrow refers to the number of units you have

In the below, write the number of units and the price for selling (around 0.08 for electricity and 0.07 for water)

4- Free energy

Click "market" > "real estate market" > "occupy a room"
Living in the homeless shelter gives you 0.41% energy per hour (10% a day)
You should Rejuvenate the free rent every 2 days

5- Financial

Here you can sell national currency and buy gold or sell gold and buy euro
Ex: 91.908 EST (national currency in Estonia) = 1 gold

6- Organizations

Click "organization" > "local"
You can join to an organization whose type is "productivity" and avoid the war organizations

Then click "apply" in order to they accept you

When you click on the name of an organization, you can know the type of this org

Remark : the org give you over productivity points for more income

7- Referrals

The best way for more income is inviting your friends by your link

8- Additional

You can send and receive messages

You can add a personal photo for you by clicking on the sitting

You can accept an add request


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