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خبر سعيد للجميع : بداية لعبة مدير كرة السله أول ديسمبر باذن الله SlamDunkTycoon

 خبر سعيد للجميع : بداية لعبة مدير كرة السله أول ديسمبر باذن الله


أهلا بالجميع

لعبة مدير كرة قدم ربحية تم انشاؤها منذ سنتين تقريبا ولكن لم تقم الشركة باصدار أي اخبار عن الموعد المحدد للربح من اللعبة وبداية البطولات

اليوم بفضل الله تم تحديد موعد بدأ اللعبةوهو 1 ديسمبر 2020 ان شاء الله

باذن الله تكون لعبة جيدة مثل لعبة جول تايكون لعبة مدير كرة قدم الشهيرة

رابط التسجيل في لعبة مدير كرة السلة من هنا

المباريات التجريبية

من بداية يوم 15 أكتوبر 2020 ستبدأ المباريات التجريبية
ستحدث بها أخطاء سيعملون على تجنبها باذن الله

وستتمكن من وضع الخطة ومتابعة مباريات فريقك

البطولات المحلية

ستبدأ البطولات التجريبية أيضا يوم 1 نوفمبر 2020
بدون أرباح

سنلعب للمتعه ومعالجة الأخطاء

وسنحازل فهم اللعبة سويا باذن الله

اعلان اللعبة على الفيس بوك كالتالي

Tactics Launch 15.10.2020 & Preparing Test Matches
Starting 15.10.2020, we prepared for you updates for the rest of the year in SlamDunkTycoon! Things took longer than we initially planned, because what we prepared is meant to be as complex as possible in essence, but also as efficient as possible in terms of gameplay. We have built from scratch a match processing engine that is the best in the industry, being capable of 1 to 1 analysis and transmitting data in real time.
Here’s the roadmap we prepared!
Tactics Launch
We launch the Tactics Module of the game, a refined module, through which the match processing engine will be capable of extracting real time data, so that the tactics can work according to player positions, every player having at his disposal diverse options for attack and defense, according to his position on the court and his direction of movement. This system is superior to the one used in GoalTycoon and we intend to implement it in the future in this game as well, once it is tested live in SlamDunkTycoon.
In the Tactics section, you will have the option of creating your first Lineup, to arrange the players on the court in different positions for optimizing your team's performance, to choose the attitude of the team and the formations that you intend to test in your next match, for every of the four quarters of the match. It’s possible that a few minutes of maintenance will be necessary for activating the Tactics module, time in which the game may not be available.
Start Championship Test Matches
Starting this date, we launch the Matches module in the testing phase. A test Championship will run with test matches, so that we can find any possible issues that can be observed best in a live testing environment. In this time interval, it is possible for seasons and match bonuses to be applied, but not extracted from the funds of the players.
SlamDunkTycoon is Live!
As soon as we will launch the match processing engine, you will be able to enjoy SlamDunkTycoon for real! If everything works as planned, on the 1st of December we will have the launch of the final and live Matches module, so that you can fully experience the game.
Until then, have fun with the new Tactics and we wait for your attendance in November to the testing phase of the matches, when you can notify us by ticket for any bugs you may find.
Access the Tactics submenu from the main menu, in the left of the homepage, section Matches and experiment with the game Tactics!

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